Pages with More Art

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This is a Critique Not a Criticism.

A critique looks to analyze. Yes, it will point out the “faults” or something like that. But it is not supposed to slash, bash or trash a work. But to look for both the good and bad. The point of a critique is to improve. Not just the artist who is being critiqued but those that look at the artwork.

Learning to critique both your own and others artwork can help you as an artist and patron both improve your own work and your appreciation of artwork in general.

So this is a critique.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about critique. And this is perpetuated by a lot of “art classes”. So often students are made to feel that they must find something wrong, something to criticize and denigrate in a work of art.  Honest evaluation and analysis is essential, but active bashing of the art and artist is not.

“If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all”

While this is good manners, undeserved praise helps no one. Honestly is needed here. It is not necessary for a person participating in a critique to have all the answers. Sometimes simply listening to the artist is an amazing amount of help. When a piece does not work, and the artist knows it, putting your finger an just what is wrong is harder than you think. Helpful, tactful suggestions can unlock the artist’s creative view and lead to a solution. Or even another leap of creativity.

OK, enough preaching.

This is a critique.

My niece, a lovely, talented girl (she gets it from me) has recently discovered painting and drawing. She was invited to attend one of those wine/cheese paint a picture parties. While everyone had a good time, something for her clicked.

First Painting
But she also recognized that these parties, while fun, did not offer enough. I encouraged her to simply get a few pencils, a sketch pad and draw. Draw from life. Simple everyday objects.  Preferably white.

Now, those of you experienced in art know the value of drawing white on white objects. Many of you have fond/hateful memories of drawing a pile of eggs or marble busts in school. We all did it. But there is no better way to actually see what you are drawing, undistracted by color, pattern and texture. White on white helps you see the contrasts and values that make up and object. You start to see both cast shadows and contour shadows that you might not have been consciously aware of before.

So here is the critique. Niece texted me a simple drawing she did of a white oriental spoon. In the photo is the actual spoon.

First Sketch
Now for a first effort this is rather good. She placed the spoon on a white cloth. 

I have never been an advocate of the harsh
critique. Or as I call it, the drill sargent,s technique of critique. I am not preparing anyone for war so why act like it. I also find harsh criticism unhelpful. The point of critique is improvement. Anything that totally discourage or eviscerates a person really is not helpful.

The point of a critique is not to elevate the person giving the critique but the person receiving it.

Sometimes in schools or in groups people are made to feel if they do not point out “mistakes” or they cannot put others work down, it somehow lowers their own work. We do not advance by putting others down but by improving our own work. When you undertake a critique it should also reflect and result in improvement in your own work.

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