Pages with More Art

Monday, October 12, 2015

Drawn-In, Art Party

I enjoy working on artwork with other artists.

I find it inspires me and challenges me to be the best I can. When alone, I have the tendency to slide, lose focus and get lost in my work.

Having others in to work with me, or just knowing I will need to show my artwork helps keep me focused.

So about once a month I invite some of my former students and other local artists to come over and sit in my sunroom and have a draw-in.

An  art making party.

My enclosed, back porch is the location. With windows on 3 sides it is a bright, airy room even on our frequent, cloudy days.

With a gas fireplace, even winter afternoons are comfortable.

Those that meet vary in age and experience. I have high school students and seniors, beginners and teachers. We all bring something to share (we need to keep our strength up!)

And we spend several hours either drawing or painting.

This month 4 of us met.

Barb's Calla Lily
Start of the day
Barb's Calla Lily
at the end of the day.
Barb, one of my former students, is my age, but lack confidence in herself. She is a gifted artist with a strong desire to draw, but wages a war with life to find even an afternoon to get out her pencils.

Paulette Tries Charcoal
Paulette's First Charcoal
Paulette is a friend who simply loves art. Until recently she never even tried to create art, believing that artistic ability to be some rare and elusive animal. This month we introduced Paulette to charcoal. I think we have a love affair starting.

Brenda will use this in her classes
Brenda is a art major. A local celebrity in the art world and an experienced watercolorist. She teaches classes each year, introducing others to the satisfaction of expression through watercolor.

And then there is me.

A retire semi-literate artist who simply loves to draw and paint.

Made some progress on my Pelican in Flight
Background takes a long time!

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