Pages with More Art

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day Five: Last day of the Workshop


And more rain. My paintings, of course, are still wet. Turned the lamps on as soon as I got in, but I don’t know if will get anything done.

This is the last day of the workshop. We will review what we have learned, show each other our paintings, and wind things up. My first painting is still to wet to work on, but I can bring my other two up a stage.

Today we are learning how to put those final touches that raise the level of a painting from good to great. Today we learn to blush.

Just a little something about my fellow workshop attendees. We came from all across the country, Florida to California, a mixed bag of ladies. Young, old and in between. We had one thing in common, a love of art and the desire to do it better. Now we have another bond, this wonderful workshop that pushed all of us, made us grow (a painful process) but also taughts us we can do it.


  1. Hey...
    it just awesome... you have shared very nice and useful article... thanks for sharing it...
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  2. Thanks, Learning is what keeps us alive, but sometimes we tend to be shy about it. I want to encourage others to keep expanding themselves!


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