Pages with More Art

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Miniatures

I have talked a lot about The Renaissance Art Gallery’s 10th Annual National Miniature show. What I have not talked about is my entries.

oil painting

Yes, I entered. Not that I will win any prizes. I am simply not that good with miniatures—yet.

But I am working on it.

I did 3 colored pencil drawings that I entered along with an oil painting and two mixed media works.

Conte on Acrylic

The mixed media works have coatings of acrylic as a background base, and then on the larger I drew with acrylic and conte’, and did a final glazing with oil paints.

The other one has a background of acrylics with the drawing done in conte’.

I do like the larger butterfly. That is also a mix of watercolor pencil and regular colored pencils. While the larger one is done actual size (this is allowed for things naturally small) the other is quite a bit smaller than the original butterfly.

I will be posting more photos from the miniature show on both the gallery website and the galleries facebook page.
Galleries website
Facebook Page
Nude in mixed Media


  1. Hey! someone had to take up the slack when people promise to enter and then don't manage to do it! and what do I think? I especially like the figures ...conte on acrylic YESSS! I'd like to see the Waterfall in a smaller size, but I don't think you need much more of anything to join the miniaturist movement! They are all nice! And different than the average entries I've seen.

  2. Thank, but you should see some really good minis!

    Next week I will post a link to the Renaissance Galleries Miniature show. They will blow you away.


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