Pages with More Art

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Workshop - Day 2

Well, today was a little easier. At least the anxiety is not as bad. I was actually looking forward to it, and feeling a little more comfortable. I walked into the studio, and went to my workstation as if I had been going there for months, instead of two days.

We started with a critique of our work, which went really well. The class is very talented! There were several paintings I wished I had the talent to paint! We all work at different paces, but, as usual, I am one of the slowest. I am used to it. Many have started their 2 paintings already. I put my work from yesterday in the sun to cure a bit, and sketched out two more small paintings. One of Ritter Park, in Huntington, WV and the other of two people fishing along the Kanawha River. I am going to try to do both in a more impressionistic style, less detailed and fussy.

I am getting into using India ink to sketch out my paintings. And the ink wash was a value sketch has its merits. I am finding those few ink lines really help me decide if the basic composition is strong enough for a good painting, or if it needs to be changed.

These lines are permanent, but they can be erased by glass cleaner. (It is the ammonia that does it.)

I am trying to decide if I will use gouache as an underpainting medium or try the mat acrylics. Since I used gouache for the first I am thinking that I should use the mat acrylics. I will start the Ritter Park painting tomorrow, and save the fishing painting for Thursday. That one I will do in water-mixable oils.

I am hoping one of the paintings will turn out, but even if they do not, I have already learned a lot and gained much more confidence in what I am doing.
The painting is much more fun. I have gotten a lot from the teacher's demonstrations, but also I have learned from watching the other students work. There are as many different approaches as there are students. I have never had the chance to work with such a large group, taking in all different approaches and visions.
Some have such a brevity of work, but get such outstanding results. I am sure tomorrow will be just as stimulating.

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