Pages with More Art

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Setting up an Art blog

Well, here I am setting up a blog about art and what we are doing.

I have thought about it for a while and now I am going to do it.

This will be more about getting started in art, than about my own artwork, although I will use my own work as examples.

My own work can be seen on my website,, and I am closely involved with shows and presenting artwork at the Renaissance Gallery in Huntington, WV. Their website is: with the gallery blog at:


  1. In a way I envy you that you have your artwork being shown but I know that I am a beginner myself and am still learning.

  2. Being a beginner is not bad. You have to start someplace.

    If you are not ready for your own site, join in on other forums and sites, like & sketching or the painting forum.

    If you are into graphic software, has a site devoted to computer digital art, etc.

    joining in and hearing what other have to say is a big help when you are getting started, tell them Starr sent you!


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