Pages with More Art

Friday, October 31, 2014

Master Works?

Student Works


I, like many artist take great joy in the artwork I produce. And pride, but mostly joy. However, there is artwork I actually enjoy more than my own, that of my students.

Betty's granddaughter
Artist: Betty taking classes since July
First Painting ever!

I am constantly amazed by them. I throw out the challenge, and they constantly exceed my expectations of them.


Sometimes it seems as if my own greatest works are not the ones produced by my hands but the artists I have instructed and inspired to exceed their own expectations.
artist: Julia
 age 16

Monday, October 13, 2014

Beautiful Places


Beaches and mountains abound in beautiful places. That almost goes without saying. That is why we go there. But even when there are many, many beautiful places some stand out as extraordinary.


We went to Brookgreen Gardens along the coast of South Carolina.  Brookgreen Gardens


There we came to a really special place, their zoo. There Cypress Aviary is such a special place. It is the only known aviary built over an existing cypress swamp. You go in, and watch the birds simply enjoying being a beautiful bird. They nest and hunt in this swamp. And they are used to people. While they are still wild birds, they react slowing to people by simply walking or flying away.
If you sit quietly, they ignore you and go about their business. Spectacular shots and observations are possible. You can see them flying or wading, caring for their young and teaching them to fly. Often they will be curious about you, and come in for a rather close-up view of what you are doing.


The entire garden complex is a great place to fine a quite corner and bring out your sketchbook.