Pages with More Art

Friday, November 30, 2012

Drawing Classes


Busy week at the Renaissance Art Gallery studio. Wednesday’s drawing classes are all working on different projects. Some are doing their own version of the 3 Red Pears still life, but others are on different subjects all together.


working on perspective drawing
One student is preparing a portfolio for college entry and is working on a perspective drawing. Another is starting cartooning.


Evening classes are working with color pencil as a medium and learning the tricks of the trade, so to speak of working with these wax based pencils.
Using a solvent on Colored Pencil
beginning cartooning

Friday, November 23, 2012

Squash and Pomegranate, a Drawing in Colored Pencil


Done yesterday instead of cooking them.


Worked on pastel board with colored pencil. Not completely happy with this pastel board for colored pencil. Still have not found the perfect support yet.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Working on Still life--Still

Making progress on the still life drawings of 3 red pears.

We worked last week on thumbnails and the idea of creating the layouts there first. Thumbnails are a good way to work out problems in artwork. You can make sure of your design. Also, you can discover what is going to give you trouble in the larger work, and work out solutions. This is a way to "audition" your objects.

You can also work to isolate and identify both the basic shapes and what is important in the design.

Basic layouts and sketching are blocked in, and we are working on the base layers. Some are working in colored pencil others in graphite
We all started with the same 3 red pears, but each layout is different as each artist finds what is important to them.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Doing thumbnails can help you work out both the layout and make sure you understand the values you want to work into your artwork.


Thumbnails, to be effective should be done in the same aspect ratio as the finished work.


So decide how big it will be.


We are working on 5x7 still lifes. Our thumbnails were worked 2 1/2 x 3 1/2, which is the same height to width ratio.


Each work will be done on different surfaces, and has a different viewpoint.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Back to the Pears - Still Life


A good still life takes some thought.
Take your time setting it up and look at it from every angle. So a few sketches to see how it looks.
Try doing a few gesture sketches to see how the relationship develops between shapes.
Go over the values and see if there is enough contrast to be interesting.
Walk around it and change the lighting.
  • Change your point of view.
  • Try sitting
  • Try standing
  • Get closer,
  • Get further away
  • try different media



Monday, November 5, 2012

Gallery Opening: 12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition

In an interruption in what I was talking about, Sunday saw the opening of the 12th Annual National Miniature Exhibition at the Renaissance Art Gallery in Huntington, WV. The show will hang through December 9, 2012.


That is a funny phrase, the show will hang. It was a lot of work hanging most of the entries, but not all were paintings or drawings. Quite a few were dimensional art and a place to safely display these 3-d works was important. We wanted to show them off, but keep them safe and sound. Being on older building we have very deep window ledges, which are really ideal for this. We are a ground level room, and the window ledges are at waist height, for easy viewing.


The reception went off well. We were very crowded, almost as crowded as our walls! There is this mass of absolutely fabulous work, and mine.