Pages with More Art

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

This week I lost a friend. Not just me. But many, many others. I had never actually net her, but have for years and years talked to her through the internet. We met on We met and talked about our paintings, where we wanted to go with it, discussed other people’s art, both contemporaries and the old masters.

She shared with me stories about her children, and with 6 she had many stories to share. Also about her causes. Kathleen as a caring individual who like to help. And she was a wonderful cheerleader! Always there with praise and advice to others.

This week she lost her battle for life. 5 weeks ago she had a terrible accident and was severely burned. How quickly life changes.

“She's gone. I thank and love every one of you.”

A simple statement on Facebook. After weeks of struggle, she simply could not make it. Kathleen is gone. Caring friend and mother has gone.

Kathleen Neff was a friend.

We will miss you Kathleen.