Pages with More Art

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Try Different Colored Paper

Figure 1 - White Conte on Purple Paper

Paper of a different color or shade can lend interest and even drama to your drawings.

Try something different for drawing on whether you use pencil, pastels, charcoal or conte’. Even very dark papers can be used.

White and light media look dramatic when using very dark paper.

But don't rule out dark paper for dark media!

Experiment! Try everything. Don't assume. Make the support as much a part of the artwork as anything drawn on it!

Figure 2 "Apple & Pear" in conte & charcoal

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Major embarrassing moment, the publicity photo.

A few years ago, I needed a publicity photo. Now, I had never needed on before, and never thought I would need one. But my beloved just did not seem to be able to take one that did not make me gag. Yes, he loves me, but that does not give him talent he does not have.

So I took my little camera along to some friend’s house and asked their daughter to take a few photos. I did not ask the friends, because I have seen their photos. Now for the explanation, why did I need such a thing?

I was rather embarrassed to explain it was to go along with an interview. Yes, an interview, for an article to appear in a regional magazine that features stories on successful or simply interesting people. I had never considered myself either, and neither had any of my friends. Oh, I am nice enough, and kind and helpful and cheerful, but successful? Interesting? Talented? Not to their knowledge. But I need the photo for the story. You never know what life will throw at you.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

3rd Annual National Spring Fine Arts Exhibition

I don’t know about you, but winter is really starting to get to me. It has been so cold and so, well; freaky this year. Even my mom, in Florida, has been complaining about the cold! (And when you get up in Orlando, and it is 27°, it is cold!)

I want spring!

I want warmth!

I want Sunshine!

I want some color (other than white!)

So time to think about spring, and warmth and color and about the Spring Fine Arts Exhibition. This spring the theme is Color complements. Something we can really get our teeth into, well, if not our teeth, our brushes! Choose any set of color complements, add a bit of white (yes, but this is not snow!) and see what you can do!

While working with a limited pallet can seem at first, well, limiting, it is amazing what you can do with subtle variations. Any subject, any fine arts medium any size up to 16x20.

Do your charts, mix those pigments, and simply see what you can do!

For examples, you can visit this website:

The prospectus for this show is on The Renaissance Art Gallery Website:

Or I can e-mail you one if you contact me at

This is a real art show, not a virtual one on the Internet. There is a physical gallery at:

The Renaissance Art Gallery
900 8th Street, Suite #20
Huntington, WV 25701

Gallery (304) 525-3235
Appointments: (304) 453-3187

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's All Over

It is hard to know how to start this post. Yesterday was the opening reception for The Renaissance Art Gallery’s retrospective for Kumkum. It went beautifully, which is a load of my mind as well as every other gallery member. But it is bittersweet for all of us, not just myself.

It went off beautifully, with everyone pitching in to make sure the gallery shined! I was so proud of my fellow artists, especially poor Gary Taylor who had to give the speech and act as master of ceremonies. But he came through.

The show is beautiful, the work superb!

We all ate and drank and laughed and talked about our friend and admired both her scope and quality of work.

Kumkum, we will miss you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pets And The Arts

Pets and the studio, a match not made in heaven! Not so much dogs, although mine like to sleep under the drawing table or easel and that sometimes tripped me up, but the cat, now there was the soul of an artist!
Don't lay your pencil down, or it would be rolled onto the floor, where you will step on it and go for a roll yourself, much to the amusement of said feline, and watch that jug of brushes, now if there is not temptation!
And cats are especially good at walking just where you don't want them to, after having strolled through the palette, of course. And then onto the newly stretched paper! Of course, this is the work that is behind schedule and the deadline is fast approaching.
And isn't eating erasers fun!
Surely you bought that sandpaper pad for them to chew and sharpen their claws on, and the pounce is the best chewy toy. Perfect for stalking! And it flies so high when they toss it!
Lets see what is behind that wet canvas, turned towards the wall, must be interesting if mommy is hiding it! This wire is hard to unwind, but Hey, I am a big cat! Lets see if I can lift the lid on these colors! they roll really good and make a nice sound when they smash on the floor!